Asbestos Cancer Support Group
Posted On Friday, November 20, 2009 at at 2:04 PM by Mark ScottMesothelioma Cancer & Mesothelioma Victims Facts
Posted On at at 1:59 PM by Mark ScottCancer UK
Posted On at at 1:53 PM by Mark ScottMore and more people are surviving cancer than ever before. Malignant neoplasm is no longer the death sentence it once was. Cancer treatments in the past were sometimes drastic and devastating. Surgery that used to involve a large incision can now be accomplished through a small incision using a surgical probe that allows surgeons to see and remove cancerous tissue without the trauma of major surgery.
Radiation therapy has advanced as well. More sophisticated equipment and technology does less damage to the surrounding tissues. New discoveries and developments have brought about new and more effective medicines with less side effects. This and other advancements have been brought about by ongoing cancer research.
Cancer Research UK is one research organization based in the United Kingdom. It is one of the few independent organizations devoted to malignant neoplasm research in the world. One of the goals of this organization and others like it is to gain a better understanding of the various types of cancer. By doing so they can then develop better medicines and treatments to fight malignant neoplasm.
Only through a better understanding of cancer can advancements in these areas be made.Research is the step by step process that is done by collecting and examining data on malignant neoplasm. It almost always involves a quest for new information that can help to develop a new drug or treatment or hopefully some day an actual cure for cancer.
Research can involve the study of its basic biology to the effects of treatments. Another area of research involves the testing of drugs that have already been developed. Before a drug is made available to the public it must undergo years of testing to make sure it is safe and effective. Right now there are drugs undergoing testing that in years to come will be available for use but researchers must first determine their overall effect on the cancer patients who use them.
Most people don't realize just how many different types of cancer there are, each with its different problems in treating it. So there has to be many different areas of research to develop treatments for them. Cancer Research UK supports over three-thousand researchers and the work they are doing.
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Cancer Car Donation
Posted On at at 1:45 PM by Mark ScottDonating for a cause is a common thing. Many people donate different kinds of things in support of a cause that actually clicks. However, donating a car for the cause is not so common in today's scenario. By donating your car, you are something different for the organization that you have decided to donate to. Interestingly, many people prefer car donation as a means to get tax deduction.
If you are wondering how to donate your car to charity, browsing many websites that can give you enough reasons to make your donations now. Organizations fighting for the cause of breast cancer actually sell off donated cars and use the proceeds for financing their programs. So, you don't have to take pains to think about the selling the car and meeting other requirements. The website helps you to figure out the outcome of your donation. The option is perfect for people who want to sell off their old cars and replace it with a new car. Isn't it a great idea to donate your car then to sell it to the scrap seller or sending it to yard sales?
Thinking about the donation procedure? Don't worry! The procedure is quite simple. Just login to the website which is open 24 hours a day, get all the relevant information. You can contact a live agent in person who will assist you to make your donation. One of the best things about donating a car to charities is convenience. No need to take tensions about getting the car to the grounds. Despite its condition a live agent will come and pick it up on your behalf. Why not to donate a car that is not much of your use.
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Lung Cancer Vs Mesothelioma
Posted On at at 1:39 PM by Mark ScottCancer is the malignant growth of cells in the human body. It comes in many forms and each seems to have its own method of causing havoc. Given the variety of cancers, it is hardly surprising that some are inadvertently mixed up when discussed. This is often the case with Mesothelioma and lung cancer.
The first thing to understand is neither Mesothelioma nor lung cancer is ever a diagnosis you want to have. They represent two of the more difficult forms of cancer to treat. That being said, it is often assumed that one is the other and vice versa. This is often due to the fact that Mesothelioma is associated with the inhalation of asbestos which obviously incorporates the lungs. In truth, the two are unique and different. Let's take a look.
As the name suggests, lung cancer is the growth of mutated cells in the lungs. Unfortunately, it is one of the most common form of cancers, most often linked to smoking and the generally polluted environment we live in. There are different types of lung cancer. While they may spread beyond the lungs, all originate there.
Mesothelioma is not only a brutal form of cancer, it is difficult to pronounce. The name comes from the part of the body effected, the mesothelium. This is a thin lining found throughout the abdomen and chest area. The lining surrounds the major organs and acts as a protective layer. It is actually comprised of two layers with a lubricant found between them. This gives the encased organs the ability to move without being damaged by friction. Examples of such movement would include the heart beating or lungs expanding and contracting.
Mesothelioma is the cancerous growth of cells in this lining. It does not matter where the lining is located. The cancer can be in the lining around the heart, the lungs, the colon or anywhere in the general chest cavity. Mesothelioma does not originate in the lungs per se, but often is found in the mesothelium surrounding the lungs. It can then transition into the lungs.
In summary, Mesothelioma and lung cancer are two distinct forms of abnormal cell growth in the body. They can both impact the lungs, but only lung cancer actually originates in them.
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Prostate Cancer Cure
Posted On at at 1:25 PM by Mark ScottCancer of any kind is devastating news to any patient and his or her family, and this is no different with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate itself. The Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. Cancer cells in the prostate can metastasize and then spread to other parts of the body like the bones or lymph nodes. This cancer is difficult on men and can cause difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty in sexual relations. There are new inventions and treatments and hopefully one day there will be a cure all together.
For patients who are having problems urinating or being intimate this may be a sign that they should see their doctor. Men in Peotone, Illinois can go to Peotone Illinois healthcare for a checkup and to find out if there is anything more serious going on like prostate cancer. A good screening is very important and like any cancer the earlier the cancer is diagnosed the better the long term prognosis is. Men should also pay attention to any changes they have in urination or difficulty with sexual activity and erectile dysfunction as these can be indicators that they have cancer.
If a man needs treatment they can seek treatment at Peotone Illinois Hospital. Treatment for prostate cancer can include a number of different things. Typically there is surgery involved and then treatment after surgery with radiation and or chemotherapy. Any cancer patient will want to stay as healthy as possible throughout their treatment and recovery. A positive attitude can also help in recovery. Many patients find surrounding themselves with family and friends and living life as normal as possible is a real benefit and aid in their recovery.
For some prostate cancer treatments there is a new addition to surgery. The new invention to prostate cancer surgery is the use of a robot to perform the surgery. The use of a robot in surgery has many benefits for the patient. These benefits includes a smaller incision, shorter recovery time, shorter hospital stays, less complications with infections, and a better overall experience. On a more jovial side, having surgery by a robot also makes a good recovery story at the dinner table and tends to really impress the grandchildren! Technology has really advanced in for the use in prostate cancer treatment and this has been for the benefit of the patient. Any step in making cancer a better experience is a plus for patient and the healthcare field.
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Breast Cancer Treatment
Posted On at at 1:18 PM by Mark ScottI am 38 years old and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 14 months ago: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, stage 2, one positive lymph node (sentinel lymph node), ER/PR+, HER-2 -, BRCA2+. I have completed chemotherapy, had three surgeries, radiation treatment and have been to hell and back. When I was diagnosed, I was told that I could expect a difficult year to come. That's it - difficult. Not many details, and certainly no one informed me of potential side effects or complications. It has been a frustrating road, but I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel now, 14 months later.
I am no expert, nor am I a doctor. Just a cancer patient wanting to help others in my shoes....
I started chemotherapy about two and a half months after diagnosis (because I had surgery right away, a lumpectomy, then I had to pack up my house and move across country -- a job transfer that came about just a couple of weeks before my diagnosis). I received AC (adriamycin & cytoxan), also known as "red death" first. I was warned about the usual side effects, such as nausea, hair loss, fatigue. When they told me I would be fatigued I though, "I have two kids under 3, I KNOW FATIGUE, no big deal." I could not have been more wrong - fatigue from chemo is nothing like the fatigue of having two babies 18 months apart!
The first thing I learned around this time which I had never been told about: WEIGHT GAIN. I always thought/assumed chemo made people loose weight. After all, that's what you see in the movies, right? I had a small hope that at least if I have to go through this hell, I'd finally take off those last remaining pounds of baby weight. I could not have been more wrong. I asked my doctor why I was gaining weight. I was told that is true that weight loss is associated with most cancers -- OTHER than Breast Cancer! Great! Wham - I'm 30 pounds heavier with no clothes that fit me and a huge disgust for myself and my appearance. Do I really need to have body image issue on top of it all? No. Apparently the weight gain is from steroids that they pump into you with the chemo to help with side effects and chemo makes your body basically go into menopause - or "chemopause" as some call it - which involves a slow down of metabolism and, thus, weight gain!
Well, I survived chemotherapy, thirty pounds heavier. Next step was more surgery. Since I had my initial surgery so quickly after diagnosis because I had to pack my home to move, I results of my genetic testing had not yet been received. The results ended up being positive; I carried the BRCA2 gene mutation. This meant I had a high risk of recurrence in the same breast AND in the other breast. I was also at a high risk for developing ovarian cancer. Thus my decision, after moving and after chemotherapy, to undergo a bilateral mastectomy and reduce my risk of recurrence by 95% - 99%. I also decided that I would eventually have an Oopherectomy to remove my ovaries & tubes. That decision was a no-brainer, since Ovarian cancer is known as the "silent killer" because it's often not detected until it is late-stage. I had my two beautiful daughters and had my tubes tied after the second because I knew I didn't want more than kids. So about five weeks after chemo ended, I underwent surgery. I chose to have the bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using fat/tissue from my abdomen (tram flap). My plastic surgeon had told me that if there was any chance I would be receiving radiation therapy, he would not give me implants, so I went with the tram flap option.
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Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
Posted On at at 1:14 PM by Mark ScottOne of the present issues being addresses in clinical trials is whether anticancer drugs should be used together (cancer combination chemotherapy) or if they should be used as a single agent (sequential chemotherapy). If drugs are combined and share common toxicity such as bone marrow suppression, often the dosage must be reduced, perhaps also reducing its efficacy. Some drugs in combination may be synergistic, wherein the combination of two or more drugs enhances the anticancer effect as compared to when drugs are given alone in sequence.
Based on successful clinical trial results in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease, breast cancer chemotherapy was traditionally given in combination. Early results did demonstrate a combination of drugs were better than a single agent. As new evidence emerges regarding the presence of potentiation of these drugs and toxicities from interactions, cancer chemotherapy regimens may contain combined drugs, as well as drugs given singularly.
The other major issue for cancer specialists treating breast cancer with chemotherapy is drug dose regimen. The higher the dosage given in a fixed time period, the greater the potential toxicity and risk of adverse effects on the patient. Oftentimes, this is bone marrow toxicity, which involves a suppression of bone marrow stem cells leading to decreased white blood cell production (leucopenia), placing the patient at heightened risk for infection. Research shows that a certain dose intensity must be given to achieve the maximum antineoplastic activity, but going beyond this threshold only increases risk without further benefit.
A majority of anticancer drugs affect all dividing cells in the body. This includes both normal cancer cells. If a woman has microscopic spread of the cancer cells, these cancer cells will be replicating and be more sensitive to chemotherapy than most normal cells. Some of the body's normal cells that also replicate on a regular basis are the bone marrow cells and the lining cells of the gastrointestinal tract. It is for this reason that these normal cells are also sensitive to the anticancer drugs. Presently, there are several drugs that kill breast cancer cells and there are new agents under investigation. Much progress has been made in how to optimally administer these agents and there are supportive therapies to prevent the adverse events of chemotherapy. Several drug combinations have evolved and have been commonly used to treat women for possible metastatic disease. The standard has been one of two combinations: adriamycin and cyclophosphamide with or without 5 fluorouracil; and cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5 fluorouracil.
Article Source: Cancer Causes
Posted On at at 1:05 PM by Mark ScottProstate cancer causes are not fully able to be explained, but it appears that changes in the DNA of a prostate cell bring on the cancer. DNA is what makes up our genes, which in turn can control how individual cells behave under certain circumstances. We inherit DNA from our parents, and they from their ancestors. A very small percentage, around five to ten percent, it seems to be linked to these changes that are inherited.
It has also been shown to be possibly linked to certain hormones' high levels. Higher than average levels of the male hormone androgens has been shown to possibly play a part in the risk of contracting prostate cancer. Researchers have also noted that men who have a high level of a hormone known as IGF-1 are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer. But other scientists have not agreed with the finding of this link.
We can only use risk factors to help determine causes , since we don't know what exactly is the most causative factor. Various cancers will have different risk factors, and some, like smoking, can be controlled. But others, like family history or age, cannot be altered.
The presence of risk factors isn't a sure sign, either. Some people have many risk factors, but never develop cancer. At the same time, other people with no apparent risk factors, do develop cancer. The links between risk factors and prostate cancer is not fully clear.
The most important risk factor appears to be age. Your chance of developing cancer goes up most speedily after you reach fifty years of age. Nearly two of three cases occurs in men over 65 years of age.
Race appears to be another risk factor in the development of cancer. For reasons unknown, African-American men are affected more than men of other races. They are also more likely to suffer from the more advanced stages of the disease, and thus are more likely to die because of prostate cancer. In addition, prostate cancer occurs more often in non-Hispanic white men than in Hispanic/Latino and Asian-American men. The reasons for these differences in likelihood are not clearly understood.
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Cancer Treatment
Posted On at at 12:58 PM by Mark ScottThere is much passing reference to the need to eat more vegetables in order to avoid cancer, but beyond the urging of some health promotion staff little seems to be written in the lay press in any detail at all. In addition to this, or perhaps because of the simplistic message that is out there, many doctors do not yet recognize the importance of diet in relation both to reducing the chances of the disease occurring but also in the care of patients who have already got cancer. They do not recognize that good nutrition is a natural cancer treatment.
Many doctors are wedded to the fast effects of antibiotics. They really, really want any and every drug to be as effective as antibiotics were when they were first used. And if foods cannot give that sort of effect with the majority of people then a goodly number of them will dismiss the impact of food as being "not really important".
However there are many drugs which are not very effective. For example chemotherapy increases survival overall at the 5-year stage by only just over 2%, with it being ineffective in many cancers, despite its ongoing use. With this in mind, any "natural" activity without negative side effects should be embraced with open arms.
There are many foods which have been shown in epidemiological studies to reduce the chances of getting cancer by 25%, 50%, 75% and sometimes even more when you compare high consuming groups with low consuming groups.
There are foods which seem to prevent cells from mutating into cancer cells. There are foods which encourage mutated cells to die off. There are foods which stop the cancer cells from growing, or reduce the speed of growth and foods which stop the cancer cells from moving around the body. In biomedical words foods can be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, encouraging apoptosis, cytotoxic, with antimetastatic effects. Of course not all fruit and vegetables have all these effects, but they have enough to be useful.
So which are the most important vegetables and fruits? I would urge you to go for variety and not get hung up on just one or two thinking that will be enough. Plants act synergistically. That is, they work better when you eat a number of them together.
Article Source: Cancer - Everything You Need to Know
Posted On at at 12:51 PM by Mark ScottLeukemia is generally considered and known as blood cancer, where as if considered in its real terms leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells and the platelets. These platelets actually help blood to clot. Additionally when the white blood cells reduce in amount they actually leave the immune system unlocked for attack and the patient sometimes die of a very usual illness like flu. In general the deficiency of normal white cells impairs the body's ability to struggle against infections. A shortage of platelets results in bruising and easy bleeding whenever there is a need of clot to stop the flow of blood.
All kinds of various acute or chronic diseases of leukemia are dangerous. Acute leukemia being a swiftly succeeding disease affects typically cells that are embryonic or primitive (which means the cells that have not yet fully developed or differentiated from the others). These not fully formed cells thus cannot achieve their standard utility. These cells are described as "nonfunctional" because they do not work like normal cells. They also number out the usual normal healthy cells in the marrow, resulting in a decrease in the number of new healthy normal cells made in the marrow. These later results in low red cell counts which is a typical form of anemia.
The leukemia is categorized in to four basic categories which are as follows:
• Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
• Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
• Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
• Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
For acute leukemia following are the signs and symptoms of leukemia:
• Fatigue or tiredness
• Shortness of breath during physical activity
• Sluggish curing of cuts and excess bleeding
• Mild fever or night sweats
• Black-and-blue spots (bruises) for no evident cause
• Pinhead-size red spots under the skin
• Pale skin
• Low white cell counts
• Aches in bones or joints
As far as chronic leukemia is concerned people with CLL or CML may not have any symptoms. Some patients learn they have CLL or CML after a blood test as part of a usual checkup. Occasionally, a person with CLL may see enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin and go to the doctor. The person may feel exhausted or short of breath or have frequent infections, if the CLL is more severe. In these cases, a blood test may show an increase in the lymphocyte count.
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Bladder Cancer Symptoms
Posted On at at 12:46 PM by Mark ScottBladder cancer can come in several different forms. Based upon what the cells look like under a microscope, bladder cancer will be placed into one of these four categories:
· Transitional cell carcinoma (also known as urothelial carcinoma)
· Squamous cell carcinoma
· Adenocarcinoma
· Small cell
Signs and symptoms of this type of cancer may not be as obvious as you would think. If you think that you may have something wrong, you will want to contact your physician as soon as possible.
Signs and Symptoms
There are several different signs and symptoms of this type of cancer; however, just because you may have a symptom, like blood in the urine, it does not mean that you have this type of cancer. This is why you want to consult with your physician as soon as possible. The signs and symptoms of this type of cancer are as follows:
· Blood in the urine
· Change in bladder habits
· Irritative symptoms
For most people, blood in the urine is the most common symptom of this type of cancer. Known as hematuria, blood in the urine does not necessarily mean that you have this type of cancer, however. Hematuria can be caused by other factors. You will want to look for recurrence. If it is this type of cancer causing the hematuria, then if the blood does disappear, it always comes back. Hematuria will cause a discoloration in your urine. The amount of blood in the urine will determine how dark the urine will be. It could be anywhere from very pale yellow-red to a very dark red.
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Colon Cancer Treatment
Posted On at at 12:35 PM by Mark ScottIt seems like a lot more people are being diagnosed with colon cancer these days. Maybe it has to do with the population getting older, but there probably a lot of behavioural reasons as well. Another condition that seems to be on the rise is constipation, which over years can't be a good thing. If we're going to discuss the best treatments for colon cancer, we should probably go over the worst ones too.
Put up your hand if you've heard of these...chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. That's right. This means that the best treatments for colon cancer are, you guessed it, all natural ones.
Look at it logically for a moment. If you have colon cancer your goal is for it to go away and to restore your health. How in the world do you expect to accomplish that by pumping toxic chemicals into your bloodstream? Or by zapping your body with radiation? Or by cutting out portions of your colon and intestine? Those are there for a reason. And aren't we supposed to avoid radiation because it causes cancer? The whole system is upside down. Except for big drug companies who are making billions of dollars in profit by marketing these therapies. That topic can be for another time.
We're talking about all natural, non-toxic treatments that will reverse your colon cancer and restore you to good health. There are certain conditions where cancer thrives. Cancer loves low oxygen levels, and high acidity levels. It loves a chronically dehydrated body and weakened immune system. It loves toxins and free radicals. It loves sugar. And colon cancer in particular must really love the toxic mess left behind by years of constipation.
Your body wants to be in balance. If you can find natural treatments designed to reverse the conditions we just mentioned, you'll be well on your way to a cancer free colon. Don't leave it up to some doctor who has no choice but to push drugs and surgery. Explore the whole world of options. Your body deserves the best.
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Symptoms & Diagnosis the Cancer
Posted On Friday, November 13, 2009 at at 2:15 PM by Mark ScottBreast cancer symptoms vary widely — from lumps to swelling to skin changes — and many breast cancers have no obvious symptoms at all. Symptoms that are similar to those of breast cancer may be the result of non-cancerous conditions like infection or a cyst.
Breast self-exam should be part of your monthly health care routine, and you should visit your doctor if you experience breast changes. If you're over 40 or at a high risk for the disease, you should also have an annual mammogram and physical exam by a doctor. The earlier breast cancer is found and diagnosed, the better your chances of beating it.
The actual process of diagnosis can take weeks and involve many different kinds of tests. Waiting for results can feel like a lifetime. The uncertainty stinks. But once you understand your own unique “big picture,” you can make better decisions. You and your doctors can formulate a treatment plan tailored just for you.
In the following pages of the Symptoms and Diagnosis section, you can learn about:
- Understanding Breast Cancer
- How breast cancer happens, how it progresses, the stages, and a look at risk factors.
- Screening and Testing
- The tests used for screening, diagnosis, and monitoring, including mammograms, ultrasound, MRI, CAT scans, PET scans, and more.
- Types of Breast Cancer
- The different types of breast cancer, including ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), inflammatory breast cancer, male breast cancer, recurrent breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, and more.
- Your Diagnosis
- The characteristics of the cancer that might affect your treatment plan, including size, stage, lymph node status, hormone receptor status, and more.
- Your Pathology Report
- A detailed, step-by-step explanation of what your pathology report says and how this might affect your treatment options.
Latest Cancer Research Features
Posted On Monday, November 2, 2009 at at 4:57 AM by Mark ScottAmong the latest breaking cancer research presented today scientists described a small molecule that locks into DNA structures, inhibiting the expression hard-to-target oncogenes. In another application a of small molecule targeted drug therapy, an agonist turns on a gene-regulating pathway to inhibit growth and metastasis in deadly thyroid tumors. From down under, Australian researchers found that sun worshippers are taking steps to prevent non-Hodgkin Lymphomas. This research was presented here at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
In vivo cfficacy of CX-3543, a novel c-Myc oncogene inhibitor: Abstract No. LB-243
Cancer researchers today unveiled a new small molecule drug that specifically targets c-Myc, a key growth promoting regulator in cancers and a gene that has escaped all efforts to control it.
Mesothelioma Doctor Explains Symptoms
Posted On Sunday, November 1, 2009 at at 6:58 AM by Mark ScottStruggling With Mesothelioma Information
Posted On at at 6:52 AM by Mark ScottWhile several Internet security groups, business associations, and anti-scam groups combine forces to deal with the ever growing threat of predatory websites, there still remain hundreds if not thousands of websites which seek to exploit those in need. This rings true even more so for those with a serious health problem like Mesothelioma cancer.