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Leukemia Treatment Failure - Are There Alternatives?

I just read the story of a young man in England who is dying of leukemia. He has been through chemotherapy and radiation therapy twice. He has also had a bone marrow transplant. He has suffered through the side effects of the new bone marrow attacking his body. He has been on steroids and other drugs.

His cancer returned despite all of the treatment. He lost his girlfriend, he lost his job and he lost his flat and moved in with his parents. He is dying. He really believes that he will die.

I want to be very respectful and gentle because dying is a serious topic. However, what if there were alternatives that may help? I cannot speak for you, but it seems to me that if modern mainstream medicine failed me, I would turn to alternative medicine.

What about the work of Renee Caisse and her Essiac formula? What about the work of a German biochemist named Johanna Budwig? What about the excellent book: How To Fight Cancer and Win?

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